We are people who fear making commitments to ourselves. We have been disappointed so often that we came to see it as acceptable to let ourselves down.
Livestream: Accepting Our Limitations
In our next LIVESTREAM, Jim shares the need that many of us have to set boundaries with ourselves. Learning to RESPECT OUR LIMITS instead of constantly pushing them is contrary to our nature. Unhealthy expectations are the lock and self-awareness is the key.
Never Face Fear Alone
Recovery is a lifelong process designed to promote health, manageability, and sustainability. Yet there are times when we have to do things we’re not ready to do because life circumstances demand it. Like a recovering heroin addict who has to take pain medication following a major surgery or having to take a job that isn’t conducive to your recovery because the bills must be paid.
The Fear of Getting Better
Like most aspects of recovery, getting better is counterintuitive in that it’s generally terrifying. When we’re not sure how to be, we entertain the option of shooting ourselves in the foot, just to get back to the familiar.
Recovery On the Hard Days
I’m grateful for the ways in which my Higher Power reminds me – usually through the good people in my life that in the grand scheme of things… my annoyances today are over very trivial matters.
Get Your Recovery Out of Retrograde!
How do you measure your progress in recovery? Counting days is good but it’s not enough. Developing plans that include specific goals is key. Vague ideas about getting better don’t lend themselves to accountability.
Stop Sabotaging Love!
Childhood abuse and neglect, adolescent and young adult trauma, it all adds up in layers like sediment that can’t be permeated.
Body Work Is Vital to Recovery
Recovery is a process of holistic healing. Too often, we ignore our physical health out of the false belief, “If I ignore it, it will go away.”
Learning How to Let Go
“Letting it go” is more than a cliche. Let’s get down to the actual steps of how to do it!
Vulnerability Works Like This
I know that when I say things out loud; it makes them more real, which makes it harder for me to ignore them or stuff them away. Maybe it seems strange that I talk to myself, but when I do it only in my head, I risk being less than honest. When I say it out loud, I notice the ways in which I might be justifying, rationalizing, or minimizing.