Seeking safety is a spiritual undertaking. It requires connection and a shift in awareness. Hypervigilance is constantly scanning for threats. Serenity is knowing that either no threat currently exists or that we’re equipped to deal with it if there is one. This is not something we can do alone. We need progressively more safe people and safe places.
Learning to “Just Be” – Self-Awareness in Recovery

When you’ve spent years hiding from yourself, it’s really hard to be present with self. Awareness of self is vital to healing, and growth. Simply noticing the things we do to block awareness afford us opportunities for positive change.
Overcoming the Fear of Judgement

When we talk about our “trust issues” we’re often referring to our fears of judgment and rejection. Our experiences both in growing up and in active use taught us to expect it. It’s a hard piece to reconcile. The people in our lives today are very different than those who gave us a distorted sense of self.
Recovery & Traumatic Memories Surfacing

It used to surprise me how many of the trauma survivors I serve enjoy horror movies. It took me a long time to get it. Unlike the imagery in your head, you can make the movie stop anytime you want.
Lies My Depression Tells Me

My friends in recovery personify the disease of addiction in a myriad of ways. I’ve learned volumes from that. There’s a vital distinction between what is me, and what is within me that is not me, seeking to destroy me.
How to Stop Worrying

If we’re going to overcome worrying; the first step is to differentiate it from concern. To be concerned is a healthy exercise of empathy and compassion. Worrying is waiting for the other shoe to drop and telling yourself you’ll feel relieved if it doesn’t and prepared if it does.
Why Your Brain Is 100mph and What to Do About It

All of us whose brains go 100mph engage in addictive thinking – the black and white, all or nothing, now or never mindset. Our minds get hijacked by urges, cravings and shiny distractions that distance us from ourselves. We strive to attain – whether it’s for the next fix, the next conquest, or even in achieving our recovery goals, our approach is largely the same:
How to Overcome Panic Attacks

Panic attacks cause a debilitating loss of perspective and folks struggle to even begin to cope. It’s important to know that attacks only last 15 minutes or less.
Self-diagnosing your mental health, and other BAD ideas

We have a longing to understand ourselves and a tendency to judge ourselves unfairly. Let’s hod off on labels and work on developing health and identity!
How Anxiety Affects the Body

Anxiety can be overcome, as can health conditions that are caused or exacerbated by it. In recovery it’s important to check in with your body whenever you’re not sure how you’re feeling.