God speaks to me in lots of ways. The conversation with my friend today gave me pause to reflect on just how important the things I’ve been stressed about are. I know that all of my problems are good problems and still I sometimes try to run the show instead of letting my Higher Power be in control.
Stop Sabotaging Love!

Childhood abuse and neglect, adolescent and young adult trauma, it all adds up in layers like sediment that can’t be permeated.
Creating Healthy Relationships in Recovery

Building healthy relationships is no small undertaking. Let’s explore worthwhile investments in building healthy partnerships!
Top 10 relational mistakes in recovery

Top 10 list of pitfalls and false beliefs. Let’s consider healthy strategies BEFORE your next partnership
Relationships in Recovery

We tend to approach new relationships in recovery the way people who have just crawled across a desert approach water. Let’s look at common pitfalls and how to avoid them.