Redirection – the horrible art of making everything our fault. Let’s examine this and move away from it!
Coming Back from Burnout

Burnout is generally understood as doing too much for too long. I’ve come to see that it’s never what I do that burns me out. It’s what I don’t do: self-care, coping, letting go, fulfilling responsibilities to myself, relaxation, fun, and most of all, seeking reciprocity in my relationships.
Taking Care of the Inner Child

As cliched as the inner child concept is, it’s incredibly useful. It’s what Freud called our “id” – the part of us that feels, wants, and needs. Freud said that every decision and action we make is a result of conflict between our Id and our Superego.
Why Willingness Is Everything

I’ve learned over and over again that wanting it isn’t enough. Even needing it isn’t enough. It sounds a bit cold but I routinely ask people who are considering change, “What are you willing to do?”
Stop Trying to Find Yourself and Start Building Yourself

We don’t “find” ourselves. We don’t wake up one day with a giant epiphany about who we are and what our purpose(s) are. What it’s really about is accepting the responsibility of developing an identity.
Creating Healthy Relationships in Recovery

Building healthy relationships is no small undertaking. Let’s explore worthwhile investments in building healthy partnerships!
How to Not Self-Destruct

I’ve never thought to myself, “Hey this would be a great day to self-sabotage!” Let’s promote healthier choices through mindfulness and connection.
The Fear of Falling Apart

The fear of falling apart leaves us carrying a lot of baggage. A newfound freedom exists in learning how to let go.
The 6 Most Common Lies We Tell Ourselves

Self-deception is part and parcel to addictive thinking. As we grow in our recovery, let’s move toward rigorous honesty with sef and avoid these pitfalls.