“Letting it go” is more than a cliche. Let’s get down to the actual steps of how to do it!
When Sobriety Triggers Trauma

The best I’ve ever heard it spoken, “Every time I get sober I remember, and every time I remember, I get drunk.”
Freeing Ourselves from the Past

Despite the millions of changes that occur in the course of recovery; the last thing we change are our expectations. No matter how good things become we expect the most painful parts of our past to recur in some life-long pattern of déjà vu.
Why Happiness is a Lousy Goal

We all know that happiness isn’t a destination but we’re a society that loves the lies of romantic comedy films.
How to NOT Settle for Less

Settling is a great example of how people continue to utilize addictive thinking even in long term recovery. As the adage goes, “Everything you most want is on the other side of fear.”
The Fear of Judgment

So many of us are overly concerned with the opinions of others. We make comparisons that are invalid, project onto others what their opinion of us is, and often reject ourselves before anyone else gets a chance to.
Vulnerability Works Like This

I know that when I say things out loud; it makes them more real, which makes it harder for me to ignore them or stuff them away. Maybe it seems strange that I talk to myself, but when I do it only in my head, I risk being less than honest. When I say it out loud, I notice the ways in which I might be justifying, rationalizing, or minimizing.
Learning How to Have Fun Sober

Fun is life affirming. It provides release and reduces stress, depression, and anxiety. It gives us things to look forward to in the midst of hard work and change.
How Do I Ask for Help?

Somewhere between shame and fear is this place where unfamiliar steps seem impossible to take. It’s not that they’re difficult to understand. They’re uncomfortable, and so we go looking for softer, gentler ways to get what we need.
Overcoming Anxiety (Coping Strategies)

Learning to cope with anxiety through specific coping strategies allows us to improve our holistic health and reduce our use of unhealthy distractions.